Who are Occupational Therapists?
Occupational Therapists (OT's) are health care professionals who consider the complete child: their physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development. OT's look at the impact of a delay, disorder or injury on a child’s function in tasks of daily life, (eg. dressing, eating, hygiene), play, school, social and work related tasks. We are detectives and our goal is to discover the underlying reasons for behavior or functional difficulties experienced by the child. Our role is to promote competence, success and self - esteem in every child who comes through our door. We use many approaches to reach this goal and customize our therapy to each child.

At AOTS we support skills in the following areas:
Sensory processing- the ability to attach meaning to sensory experiences. For example: the ability to tolerate the texture of socks and the feeling of the toothbrush in the mouth
Self-regulation - the ability to identify changing states of emotion and attention and when overwhelmed, choose activities to return to a calm, alert state
Gross/fine motor development - for example the ability to balance, jump, run, catch a ball and play sports
activities of daily living (eating, dressing, self care)
Visual motor /visual perception development - the ability to recognize the differences in letters, to see a word against a busy background, the ability to keep the letters on the line, the ability to visually follow the ball to catch it
Oral motor development - the ability to move the mouth to make certain sounds, to breathe through the nose, to be able to eat, chew and swallow
Social/friendship development - the ability to recognize the needs of another, wait for a turn, compliment a friend
Play - the job of childhood!
...and much more!

Therapists at Aquilla OT Services are proud to offer the following services:
Sensory Processing Disorder - assessment and treatment
Wilbarger Brushing Protocol
Sequential Oral Sensory Feeding Approach
Therapeutic Listening
The Astronaut Program
Handwriting Without Tears
Neuro Developmental Therapy
Vision Exercises
Brain Gym
Loops and Other Groups - Cursive Writing Program
Motor Planning
Visual Communication Support
Bérard Auditory Integration Training
The goal of the assessment process is to:
Discover your child’s strengths and design a program to use the strengths to support development in the areas that need it
Discover the underlying reasons for the challenges your child is experiencing
Educate and empower parents and teachers with the information they need to understand the underlying reasons of behavior so that they can support development
Provide ideas and strategies to build successful learning at home, school and in the community
Provide occupational therapy/speech language pathology/osteopathy services in clinic/ the home/ the school setting to children who would benefit from therapy